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2005 CSVHFS Technical Program

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The Technical Program consisting of presentations is the meat of the conference. The interesting presentations usually expand horizons, motivate attendees, and share knowledge. The variety and depth of talks this year were outstanding.

What's great about a conference is that presenters and authors can be engaged for expanded discussion in hallways or the Hospitality Suite.

A listing of the presentations is below. Some of the talks can be found in the conference Proceedings available from the ARRL.

W0LD welcomes attendees

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

President Lauren Libby WØLD welcomes attendees to the technical program

One of the highlights of the VHF/UHF/SHF year was the first EME contacts on 47GHz by Al Ward W5LUA, Barry Malowanchuk VE4MA, Gary Lauterbach AD6FP, and Sergey Zhutyaev RW3BP. W5LUA and VE4MA took turns telling us about the different challenges they faced and how they were overcome. Surely, transmit power and receive noise figure, were important. But several db of capability were gained by software that assisted with encoding and decoding of the transmitted signal. To overcome the challenges took time, effort, and creativity. Each earned the reward of completing 47GHz EME contacts.

W5LUA and VE4MA 47GHz off the moon

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

W5LUA and VE4MA presented about the first ever 47GHz EME contacts
KØSM/2 talks Rainscatter!

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

Andy KØSM/2 teaches about Rainscatter and his Rainscatter! program
WØLMD presents about dishes

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

Dr. Robert Suding WØLMD presented about dishes for satellites
MC Joe Lynch N6CL

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

MC Joe Lynch N6CL
K5SDR Software Defined Radio

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

K5SDR gave an update on the rapidly evolving world of Software Defined Radio

Clearly, one of the exciting new aspects of ham radio is the development of Software Defined Radios. Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, didn't invent SDR, but he took some of the first steps to popularize it and bring it to the hands of today's amateurs. Many hams are taking the state-of-the-art forward. Bob McGwier N4HY is just one of the folks helping lead the way. Mike King KMØT and Terry Van Benschoten WØVB are just two of the hams who have incorporated SDR into their home stations. In Mike's case, he's currently VERY active on eleven bands. His needs from rugged contesting gave the SDR community a challenge to conquer. Mike talked about how well the SDR integrates into a multi-band station. Things are moving so quickly in SDR, expect presentations at the next few conferences.

KMØT talked about SDR in contest battle

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

Mike KMØT talked about putting SDR to the test during contests
KØIS, NØIS, and WC5Z talked about balloons

photo ©2005 Ken Wyatt WA6TTY

KØIS, NØIS and WC5Z presented about balloon missions and packages
2005 CSVHFS Conference Presenters and their presentations: 
Gerald Youngblood K5SDR
Terry Van Benschoten WØVB
  & Mike King KMØT
Barry Malowanchuk VE4MA
  & Al Ward W5LUA
Dave Olean K1WHS
Andy Flowers KØSM
Paul Goble ND2X
Lance Collister W7GJ
Jerome Doerrie K5IS
  & Bobette Doerrie N5IS
Michael Helm WC5Z
Mike Melum KL6M
Dr. Robert Suding WØLMD
Software Defined Radios: Future is Now!
Microwave Contacts on the SDR 1000

47 GHz EME - The Final Frontier?

Broad Beamwidth 144 & 222 Arrays for Contesting
Using Radar Data to Predict Rain-Scatter Paths
VHF+ Roving
Considerations for Successful 6-Meter EME DXpeditions
Greater Range--From Balloons

Telemetry Beacon/Camera Controller for Balloon Flights
Constructing Big EME Dishes
Chasing LEOs With a Dish
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