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2005 CSVHFS Hospitality Suite

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The Hospitality Suite has become an important social part of the conference experience. In addition to snacks and beverages, the talk is outstanding!

The Suite was in full-swing three nights in a row! Conversations continued till 2am on two nights.

This year, the snacks and beverages were sponsored by CSVHFS, Northern Lights Radio Society, Badger Contesters, and many individual supporters. Thanks to them for facilitating our fun.

Peter Shilton VE3AX and Matt Burt KFØQ
W5NZS, W7CS, NØKE, plus
W5NZS, xxx, W7CS, NØKE, and xxx talk shop
Gene Zimmerman W3ZZ and Andy Flowers KØSM/2
WBØTEM, KL6M and W7QX in an EME pow-wow
BOD gets ready to meet
BOD members get ready to meet

The CSVHFS Board of Directors crams in three meetings during the conference. One on Thursday night, one on Friday night, and yet another brief meeting on Saturday late afternoon after the membership meeting. Consider stepping forward for duty on the Board of Directors. While the conference remains the primary focus for the society, that doesn't mean the society couldn't pursue new initiatives depending on the guidance of the board and the effort/manpower to make new initiatives happen. Remember, all board members stand ready to hear your inputs. See the CSVHFS webpage for a listing of current directors.

SNOTTS Mtg will begin soon
W9UD and NØLNO wait for the start of the SNOTTS meeting

SNOTTS meeting was an understated affair this year on Friday night. Time marches on. Perhaps we are getting older? But it doesn't mean the sense of humor has gone.

KMØT, KØSM and KFØQ represent the future of the society
Chris Cox NØUK, Matt Burt KFØQ, and Ken Kaplan NØGZ discuss Bessel functions
Ham Radio and CSVHFS Conferences makes friendships
WØZQ, KMØT, W9FZ, VE3AX, NØUK, KFØQ, and KØSM.   While a common interest in ham radio and a more specific interest in VHF/UHF/SHF weak-signal operations leads to friendships, time in the Hospitality Suite helps strengthen friendships.
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