Party Suites were in operation on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. The Suites were a great place to socialize and snack. One of the suites was sponsored by the Badger Contesters and the other by the Northern Lights Radio Society. Both groups embellished the suites with maps, photos, diagrams, and score listings highlighting their activity in their respective geographical locations. The SNOTTS meeting kidked off at 12 Midnight in the BC Suite.
W9JN and W3XO discuss propagation
W9FZ and KØSHF are schooled in SNOTTS circuit design by WA5VJB Must be about 3am
W9FZ, WØZQ, W7XU, and KØKFC discuss fine points of Bessel functions
Party Suite in full swing.
W9JN and K9YR as Badger Contesters Suite Hosts
WBØTEM, W9FZ, K9YR, W7XU, and KØSHF sometime between 1am and 4am.
The SNOTTS meeting is called to order and minutes of previous meeting are read.