Prizes/Auction/ Fleamarket
Auction: On Saturday afternoon, we had a short auction to help raise funds for the conference. Thankfully, there were several donations of nice items to be auctioned off. Thanks to our donors!
Kent Britain, WA5VJB Auctioneer with WA9O assisting
Flea Market: Friday night was the flea market. TESCO Equipment, Down East Microwave, and WA8WZG were present as dealers. Many, many tables were heaping with stuff to sell. Most sellers reported lower sales than they expected. They saw lots of lookers. This was the best VHF/UHF/Microwave stuff ever seen in the Milwaukee area.
Dave Engbring, WK9E mans his table
Prizes: Many businesses and our own members were generous donating to the banquet prize table. After the pictures is a list of donors including hotlinks to their websites. Please give them support since they support us. If you received a prize from one of them, you may want to specifically thank them. Be on the lookout for suitable prize material for Tulsa '03.
Prize Table was heaping with goodies.
Bill Tynan, W3XO, is the first name called and selects the CPI-Eimac power tube.
WA2VOI, KØGCJ, and WØAUS look over this year's prizes
Previewing the goodies before dinner.
Support our donors listed below!