W9FZ/R roves Kansas and Nebraska

I'll spend Friday night at KBØHH's "Bunkhouse" in EM-06.  Saturday morning, I'll drive to the grid corner west of Salina, KS and get started at contest time. I'll work my way northward along the 98th Meridian throughout the contest. I hope to activate 10 grids. The week before the contest, I will be scouting locations from north to south.  Contact me if you want to schedule a non-contest contact from one of those 10 grids.  I have many goals for this rove--fun, beauty, and variety. Another motivator is activating grids for the Central States VHF Society award program called "Reverse VUCC (VUCC/r)".  (Cell 651-491-1077)




EM08     1800Z - 2000Z

EM18     2000Z - 2200Z

EM19     2200Z - 0000Z

EM09     0000Z - 0200Z


EN00     1200Z - 1400Z

EN10     1400Z - 1600Z

EN11     1800Z - 2000Z

EN01     2000Z - 2200Z

EN02     0000Z - 0130Z

EN12     0130Z - 0300Z


Estimated six-digit grids to follow



6m  Dipole and brick

2m  Jr Boomer and brick

222  Jr Boomer and brick

432  22 ele and 100w brick

903  Looper and 100w

1296  22 ele KLM and 50w

2304  Looper and 6w

10G  18" dish and 2w 

Hopefully CQ'ing on 144.240 as much as possible. I'll check the calling frequency if necessary. Please find me on 144.240--spin that dial!!!  I'll carry you to .140 on most of the other bands.  On 6m something like .190 or so.


If sigs are weak, let's do CW!!  I'll go as slow as we need to in order to complete the Q! 


From South to North
© 2009 Bruce Richardson W9FZ

                                              Midwest Mania--VHF from 92nd to 102nd Meridians

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