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After the contest, send along your scores, pictures, and comments about activity in the Midwest Division and the Great Plains. Did you find more stations than most contests? How many rovers did you work? If you were outside the Great Plains region, were you able to work more GP stations than normal?
Send along info to w9fz@w9fz.com and I'll post it here.
Results update Sept 30, 2009 0600Z Scroll down to see the most recent send-alongs. |
I was available to operate seven hours, 50 mHz only, and managed a disappointing 43 QSOs. Random scatter was fair Sunday morning with the best SSB DX being K1WHS and K5QE from EN22 in west central Iowa. Tropo out to 400 miles was slightly enhanced.
Was on Sunday mobile activated EM17, 16, 15 Sunday morning and EM15, 16, 17 Sunday evening. Unfortunately it was raining heavily in EM15 so I only made a couple of contacts from there.
Stations heard but not worked KK6MC/r ka0kci/r Sunday morning, k9MK/5 wr0i/r en10 Sunday evening.
Just had time to throw a sq-loop on the truck and the 350W TE amp in the back. nada on 6m except a couple of short distance contacts. It added some fun to the short notice unplanned trip. Didn't have time to stop anywhere all contacts were on the move. Maybe next time I can get the yagi's back on the truck
John Lock
Bruce: My antennas in EM28 - west of Lawrence, near Lecompton, for the Sept. 2009 VHF QSO Party. Operated Sunday morning for a few hours. 10 watts, s/o QRP Portable. 2M: M2 2M7 Yagi on 10 ft. mast 6M: "Dipole" on short mast 70 cm: M2 2M7 yagi Made 5 QSOs with it! 25 QSOs total. Best DX K0CIY EM25 and K0KT EN32 on 2M. Score 480. Tnx for the 2M QSO when you were in EN00. Nice signal but alot of QSB. Also worked KF0M/r while he was mobile south of Wichita, KS.
Midwest Mania was a nice activity booster. de N0JK
KB0HH: (Lots of pictures coming)
Hi Bruce,
Midwest Rover Mania was a great success! I was extremely pleased and surprised with the activity! I personally did more operating rather than cooking for a change. We either eat well or I do CW!!
Our score was almost 100K better than last year .. .. total this year about 130,000 points. Our furthest DX was with K2DRH in EN41 on 2 meters. Our 222 MHz SSB rig failed early so we had to switch to an FM rig which still made 37 Q's in 10 grids.
The furthest rovers worked were W9FZ in EN12 and KK6MC in DM74. We worked 23 rovers total! A good time was had by the Bunkhouse Crew!
I'll try to get some pictures sent to you.
Gary, KB0HH, EM06
KK6MC/R: (Duffey's first take) Bruce - I want to thank you thinking up, organizing, promoting, and convincing me to operate MidwestMania. It is among the most fun I have had roving.
I just got in the door about 45 minutes ago. I am dog tired, so I will keep this short.
I activated 18 grids and made about 160 contacts. More details to follow. Half of KB0HH's grid multipliers must be from me. :^)= I worked some nice DX, including DM96 to DM79 (W0EEA), DM74 to EM06 (KB0HH), and DM95 to EM09(N0LL).
It was nice to work you on many bands and grids. I did not hear you today, although I pointed my beam north and called. I guess we were too far apart.
Anyway, if RoverMania is half as much fun. count me in next year! I need to work on the 1296 gear.- Duffey
Later, KK6MC/R sent more:
I had a great time in MidwestMania!, and it is nice to rove outside ohome turf. While the mountains in NM are nice to operate from for DX, they also get in the way for long troposcatter contacts.
I operated from 18 grids and made 160 contacts. In contrast in last years September contest I made less than half that many contacts out here. There was always activity, something unusual here where it comes in bursts.
I worked W9FZ/R from several grids, I need to check the log and do the arithmetic to see the longest distance we covered. N0LL was worked from lots of grids and I worked KB0HH from 14 or 15 grids, including DM74, a 377 mile QSO! I also made a CW QSO with W0EEA from DM96, another 300 mile + QSO.
My 1296 setup appears to be suboptimum and I am inexperienced on that band, so I did not get the benefit from that I should have.
OK, I am hooked on midwest roving. I will try to arrange my summer
around RoverMania next year. - Duffey
W9FZ: My short early response is WOW! Near 400 QSOs! Lots of fun. Equipment worked. Mud in EM09/19 was the only "adventure". Big satisfied smile here. Good activitiy levels, decent regional propagation with no real openings.
Pictures and full travelogue will follow. |
Hi Bruce,
I wanted to send you some post contest follow-up.
First off, thank you for coming here and roving. It helped to turn an otherwise somewhat slow contest into something that kept me at the radio, looking for the next contact. Also, by helping to organize the rovers and posting their routes made it alot easier to find and work them.
I operated the whole contest, except for Saturday-11:30PM to Sunday 6:30AM. Six never really did open up, so I was not worried about missing contacts during the night.
I had a decent range that I worked, from W0EEA by Denver, to KD0T by Pierre, to W0GHZ by Twin Cities, to K2DRH, to KB0HH, to W6ZI. I worked to DM98 to the southwest. To the southeast, K.C. was about the limit, I did not hear much that direction past them. Of course, it was raining in Oklahoma, so I did not hear N0IRS.
I operated 4 bands, 6-2-222-432. I will be looking to add more. 2 was the best, the rest were marginal. My claimed score was 12,844.
Thanks, Tom N0WJY |
My first experience of operating portable on 6 M.
I set up in the Nodaway Valley Park in Page Co. Iowa.
I had fair results concidering I was only there 5 hours on Saturday including set up and tear down. Best contacts were
EM18 and 19. I heard W9FZ/R but did not hear him come back to my call. I had to walk about 100 ft to turn the antenna.
A little 500 mile road trip yesterday (read winshield time), thinking about the weekend contacts. I think it would make a good paper for CSVHFS this year. We have had papers on how to rove (this is the way I did it, etc.), but this might be a good example of the results of a good rove. A map of CO, KS, OK, NE, MO with home stations highlighted would make it of intrest. I don't know if there would be room to mark all 20 home stations!
I didn't here anybody N or NE of EN13, or EN21 or hear anybody working stations that direction.
I just realized that one of the home stations that I worked was in IA.
There were several new stations in NE and 2 in KS that I had never heard before.
Some kind of station reports from the home stations would be of intrest.
73 Mel WR0I