It's Showtime! The big day has arrived! Have fun! Help each other out. See you on the air! AF5Q/R had to cancel his rove and will be at home.
Get on the Air!
Pick grids in the region (or nearby) to activate and pass your plans to
Fixed stations:
If you are in the Midwest Division (IA, KS, NE, MO) or in states surrounding and will be looking for activity, pass your plans to
The ARRL September VHF Contest approaches. Too often activity is somewhat limited in Nebraska and Kansas and states that border this area.
What if the operators in the Great Plains region made a concerted effort to get on for the same contest? What if there were rovers active in the area keeping things more lively? What if stations from surrounding states pointed their antennas to the great expanse of the Midwest and found stations? Could be fun!
The Midwest Division is Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. Eastern Colorado, Oklahoma, and South Dakota add to this to make the Great Plains region. If activity increases across the region for this one event, then that is a good thing.
Everyone can help each other out. Fixed stations can help spread the word where they heard a rover recently (both freq and grid). Rovers can help facilitate hooking up widely separated fixed stations. If you are hearing the station the rover is working (and you need them), consider dropping your call in. Many Rovers will hear you off the back. Rovers, try to help the two fixed stations get hooked up.