Rovers in the Midwest
Rovers help increase activity. They are out there to give you QSO volume as a minimum and new grid multipliers as an extra payoff for finding them.
Rovers known to be active in the Midwest Division area for this contest and hoping to have contacts with you:
(Click on the hotlink callsign to jump to a page with additional details about their rove)
W9FZ/R ABCD9EFI 144.240 cq'ing carry to .140 on other bands. Click hotlink to left to see map and schedule times.
K9JK/R ABCD John and Mike (WB8BZK) from SW MO northeasterly (click hotlink to left)
Sat: EM27/26/36/3738/47/
Sun EM48/49/58/59 EN50/51/61/52
KAØKCI/R ABCD9EF Sat: EM06/07/16/17/18/08/09
Sun: EM09 EN00/10 EM19 EN20 EM29/28/18/17
WRØI/R ABCD9EFGHI Activating: Sat EM06/16/07/17/05/15/04/14/25/26/27/17 (Click on hotlink to left)
Sun EM18/19 EN10/11/21/20 EM29/28
KK6MC/R ABCDE Activating: EM 09/19/08/18/07/17/06/16/05 then towards New Mexico
AF5Q/R ABCD Activating: Sat EM04/05/14/15/(13)
Sun EM04/03/ DM94/95
KR0VER/R ABCD9EFGHI Activating: Click hotlink to left
WA0VPJ/R ABCD John and Mark (AI0Z) rove Iowa northward find them on 144.220
EN33 18-19Z
EN32 1930-2100Z
EN42 2130-2300Z Then northward to EN43/44/34/45/35
W0ZF/R AB Roving EN15lj and EN24xs
If you will be roving in the Midwest Division or Great Plains, send your information to and I'll post it here!