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After the contest, send along your scores, pictures, and comments about activity in the Midwest Division and the Great Plains. Did you find more stations than most contests? How many rovers did you work? If you were outside the Great Plains region, were you able to work more GP stations than normal?
Send along info to w9fz@w9fz.com and I'll post it here. Post on the ARRL soapbox too.
Results update 0430Z 15 Sep. Scroll down to see the most recent send-alongs. |
W9FZ/R: Wow! I had a blast. Short report now and longer travelogue to follow. 465 Q's!!! Great conditions Sunday morning. Good activity levels. Great support by N0IRS, WB0NQD, W0GR, WQ0P, W0KAN, KY0O, WA0ARM, WB0JQQ and other KC operators--thank you! K2DRH and W0UC did a good job of finding me up on 144.240. Personally, I think 144.240 worked well for what I do. But I wonder how the fixed stations thought it worked out. I will say there were plenty of ops in Illinois, Minn, Iowa, MO, and KS whose tuner dials were glued to 144.200. I could/would find them there but they would NEVER find me up on 1444.240. Oh well. I just wonder what it would be like if I camped out on 144.200. I don't think it would be pretty or fun for anyone. More pics, comments to follow. |
KB0HH: Hi Guys,
We had a good contest! I did not think we could break last year's score .. .. but we did! The attachments are the log and a picture of the log-on-screen.
Many thanks for your involvement! It seems many locals enjoy their/our contest efforts also. Somebody go count the number of rovers we worked ,, ,, I guessed 15+-.
Mel, Dave, Bruce .. .. Many thanks for your mega-grid hopping. 'Yall dun real good!
WB0YWW: Hi Bruce had a great time in the contest, conditions were at there peak when I was off the air Sunday A.M., but still had fun. Thank all you rovers for giving out the rare grids it is much appreciated. I have not checked for dups yet but it looks like 39 contacts on 2 meters, 28 contacts on 432, 21contacts on 6 meters with poor conditions on 6. I did not tally multipliers yet but had a good turn out compared to the last few years. The hardest grid for me was my own Grid finally caugh a ham on 146.55 simplex, then some one herd us and I got 432 and 6 meters from him. Worked W6ZI EM26 on 2 and 432. Worked WB0ISK/R and W9SNR/R and of course W9FZ/R . Never herd EN61 62 or 63 and 54 guess all the guys out that way take a break during contests or dont look West Hi Hi. Nice turn out from EN44 EN 22 needs some more contesters any one want to move to Iowa ? Thanks alot for everything Bruce. 73s WB0YWW |
KA0KCI/R: Howdy - it was very good. was surprised to hear you that far out, however Gary called me at 6 AM Sundaymorning and told me ALL the bands are WIDE open - he was right. I was racing for DM99 when I spoke to you. I got Gary worked on all 7 bands from DM99 and then - Someone turned the switch off - at about 1600 GMT. I had so much trouble after 1600 that I drove 70 mile south to the DM97-98 line to work him on all 7 bands from both there. How were your bands - Did you have wide open all bands until 1600 Sunday - was 2304 awesome for you as well as me. REST UP - we both need it - 73 - Dave |