-- Tidbits --
Jeff, KGØVL and Justin, K9MU have spent the first three weeks of January in Northern Manitoba conducting Auroral Research. Some of you have contacted them via ham radio. Their websites are fascinating.
www.kg0vl.com/ www.qsl.net/k9mu/ArcticGridExpedition.html
N7CFO has put up a page about Anderson Powerpole hints and tricks at: pw1.netcom.com/~n7cfo/pp/pp.htm
Joe Taylor K1JT will be banquet speaker at SETI League Banquet. Info at: www.setileague.org/press/pres0401.htm
The Northern Lights Radio Society had 18 members make an expedition to shores of Lake Superior for the August weekend of the 10GHz contest. Pictures and article can be found at www.w9fz.com/superior/
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Send along material!
Bruce Richardson, W9FZ
2330 Lexington Ave S. #312 Mendota Hts, MN 55120 w9fz at csvhfs.org
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Help the Central States VHF Society Conference Proceedings be the best and most content rich in the land by contributing content. Increasingly, our content has appeared in other proceedings or magazines. While non-exclusive content is not desired, it's difficult to be too picky when we are not paying for articles. If you have a major paper, sometimes there is some compensatory gesture by the conference team. Check with them. But in the meantime--write up what you are doing and submit it to the CSVHFS exclusively and make the Proceedings a better document. Also, we prefer to not have "just Powerpoint slides" but again, to avoid that, we need you--the member--to take the time to contribute good material. Make the proceedings coordinator actually have to exert editorial control over what he will or won't include J