Dana Shtun, VE3DSS, 2004 Prize Chmn is already working hard to ensure this year's prize table at the banquet will be the hit it always is. If you plan on donating a prize to either the men's or ladies' table please let Dana know at ve3dss-1@rogers.com
Several people have asked me about border crossing issues. It is usually not a problem but does tend to be more tedious when the US upgrades the terror alert status. Let's hope that will not be the case in July. It tends to affect your travel time returning to the US, rather than into Canada. I will be posting more info on the "do's and don'ts" of crossing the border on the CSVHFS web site later on. Bottom line is - it is not something to be afraid of. Thousands do it all the time - including me!
73 Peter Shilton VE3AX
2004 Papers and Presentations
Our proceedings and conference presentations come from you--our members. If you find a Proceedings light on the content you like--contribute! Your fellow members are hungry for papers and presentations about what YOU are doing now. So put together one, two, three, or more pages of the project you've been working on. With this in mind:
Greetings, The 38th annual Central States VHF Society Conference will be held July 22-25, 2004 at the Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre in Mississauga(Toronto), Ontario, Canada.
The technical talks and published proceedings are an important part of the conference. I would like to invite those of you wishing to share your knowledge and experiences to be a valued speaker at this year's conference.
I also encourage you to seek out other people who could contribute to this year's talks. For those not wanting to present a paper, please consider submitting something for publication in the proceedings.
Mini talks of 10-15 minutes are a great way of sharing a special projector event in which you are involved. Antennas are of particular interest (especially to me). Anyone up for discussing the pro's and cons of some of these new weak signal digital modes? Longer talks are also welcomed.
The deadline for submitting final papers will be May 1, 2004. Submit your proposal as soon as possible to me in case there are similar talks in the works.
A speaker application form will soon be available, so
contact me with your proposed paper or any related questions. Bob Morton, Technical Chairman and V.P. VE3BFM@csvhfs.org
2003 CSVHFS Chambers Award
Each year the society recognizes a person who has contributed to the state-of-the-art on VHF. For 2003, the Central States VHF Society presents the Chambers Award to David Robinson, WW2R for hundreds of articles published about VHF/UHF/SHF technology and active operation on the bands. Dave holds one end of the US continental 24 GHz distance record.
2003 CSVHFS Wilson Award
Each year, the society recognizes a person for outstanding and continuing service to the Society or to VHF/UHF in general. For 2003, the Central States VHF Society presents the Wilson Award to Sam Whitley, K5SW for years of service to the society. Sam has been President, Vice-President, and Treasurer many times in the early years of the society. The CSVHFS would not be where it is today if not for his efforts.
VHF FM Sprint Contest Feb 8th By KB9Q
The Milwaukee Radio Amateurs' Club is sponsoring an FM sprint on February 8, 2004, from 1:45 PM to 4:00 PM local time. Goals are to spur activity, spur regional club competition, and to provide a taste of vhf contesting to new technicians. It will expand the scope of their VHF/UHF operation and encourage them to think beyond the rubber duck.
Each of four bands above 50 MHz are scheduled for 30-45 minute segments starting with 2 meters, then 70 centimeters, 6 meters and 1.25 meters. We felt that this order and format would concentrate activity and would let those with out equipment for the less popular FM bands get in and get out! All the rules, including frequencies, are available at The MRAC website http://www.qsl.net/mrac/index.html . There are also links to downloadable forms. Give this is a try and you've got a few weeks to talk it up in your area!