States Above 50 MHz Award
Program 2002 Wrap-Up

Thanks to each of you for participating this year!  38 entries--Ten more than last year!

Participation was up this year because two groups--in Minnesota and Oklahoma--utilized the program as an impetus for increased activity in their local areas.  Keep it up!  Other areas of the country, consider using this program to spur activity in your areas.  How about it Roadrunners, Mid-Iowa, and North Texas?

Please recall that this is a "program" for all participants in order to spur increased activity.  This program only becomes a contest for our top finishers.

Our 3rd place finisher, Peter Shilton, VE3AX, is back again with a solid five band entry with 150 band points. 

Last years 1st and 2nd place finishers, Mike King, KMØT and Bob Mathews, K8TQK, repeated in each position.  However, each really used the program as a spur to their activity. Each far surpassed last year's record of 161 band-states.  Both Mike and Bob worked each other many times throughout the year and gave each other a few unique band-states.  So now there is a new record to best--193 band-states.  Both Mike and Bob were aggressive about watching propagation conditions.  Further, they made their family life fit around some short-notice band openings.  Look at both of their numbers in the table and just marvel at each of their accomplishments on each of the bands.  It's symbolic of some fine operating skill and of refining their stations to yield the best coverage their geographic locations will support.  I'm awed by their numbers but rather than just repeat them in text, take a look at the table.  Both of these guys practiced "being there".

Several ops mentioned the wonderful fun and states-collecting benefit of WSJT.  If you're not using it, maybe this is the year to include it in your operations. See how many new states it will net you.

Items of note:  K9PW's entry was virtually all from one weekend during the June Contest and QRP at that! Similarly, WØZQ and NØUK have multi-op entries from just the June and September contests respectively.  Eight of you worked all 50 states on 6m--including father and son Arliss, W7XU, and Nolan, NØLAN.  I see that W2FCA worked 47 states on 6m from New York--takes persistence to fill in the holes or work the different types of propagation to get that many from an eastern location.  Special mention must be made of Chris Vollero, KB2TGU, who returns as our only participant who has taken part each of the seven years of the programs existence.
Rule updates and clarifications:

diverse Family Program that will allow more options for the families and spouses accompanying conference attendees.  By that he means that there will be some activities perfect for young families with children and other activities perfect for spouses interested in the art, culture, and history of the area.

There will be a website touting all the reasons you need to come to Tulsa--but it is not ready yet.  You will be advised by email and on the major reflectors when it is ready!  Two mailings will go out in 2003--one in February to prompt your schedule planning for the summer and then another in early May which will be the registration documents.

Mark July 25-26, 2003 in your calendars now!

2004 Conference Site--Potentially Toronto!

Peter Shilton, VE3AX and Bob Morton, VE3BFM, represent a group of 10 VHF'ers in the Toronto area who are interested in hosting the CSVHFS Conference in 2004.  They have made the preliminary assessments and are eager to show all that the Toronto area has to offer for tourism in conjunction with a conference.  Further, they want to show off the VHF/UHF activity in their region.

Kent Britain, WA5VJB, and Chuck Clark, AF8Z, have offered to host the Conference in Dallas in 2004 or 2005 in the event the Society accepts the Toronto area offer for 2004.

Your Board of Directors has discussed site selection in depth and is continuing discussion.  While no decision is required until conference 2003, your board will probably come to a decision within two months out of courtesy to the two hosting teams offers.

Call for Papers and Presentations: 2003

Our conferences and proceedings would be shallow and thin if not for the generous contributions of presentations and papers that come from you--the membership.  Now is the time to start pondering what content you can share with the rest of us.  Projects, modes, operating events and even theory are all fair game.  What is simple for you might be very helpful to newer VHF'ers in the coming years.  Remember, proceedings are references for years to come.  In the next e-newsletter you will be put in touch with the program chair of Conference 2003 on specifics for layout, format, and form.  Conference 2003 is going to try and have concurrent presentations of beginning and advanced topics.  Please contribute content! 

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