Eagle Scout Forestry Camp Lost Canoe Lake, Boulder Jct., Wisc
Eagle Scout Forestry Camp was a camp just one lake away that preceded the existence of the Canoe Base. It was a camp that offered an experience and an honor to Eagle Scouts of Wisconsin that chose to attend. The camp seems to have begun in 1930. The camp only had 2 or 3 "two-week" sessions per summer. I have been contacted by a former ESFC staff member who will be sharing photos and memories over the coming months. Not sure of the ESFC's last year but I know it was before 1980. There were buildings at the east end of Lost Canoe that survived for many years. Around 1980 the main lodge collapsed.
Not sure if Region 7 "took over" Wisconsin's Eagle Scout Forestry Camp program in 1967 or if it just ran "Ecologist" training concurrently or during periods around the scheduled ESFC program.
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According to the brochure, camping and program were, indeed, at the Lost Canoe site.
For instance, in 1946 ESFC ran for two "two-week" periods Aug 4-17 and Aug 18-31. Then in 1963 ESFC had three periods: June 29 - July 13, July 13-27, and July 27 - Aug 10. In 1967 under the Region 7 Conservation Camp program, there were 3 periods: Jul 9-20, Jul 23 - Aug 3, and Aug 6-17.
1963 Staff: Backrow: Wayne Hoffman (SPL), Jim Koleas (Patrol Advisor), Joe Miller (Patrol Advisor), Jack Welch (Camp Director).
Frontrow: John Breaker (ASPL), David Baltes (Patrol Advisor), Mike Wussow (Quartermaster)
Photo and memories of 1963 and 1964 are courtesy of David Baltes. "All of us were from different places in Wisconsin except Jack Welch who was from Toledo, OH."
Click for huge jpeg.
1963 Campers