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Reese Air Force Base

For many years Air Force pilots were trained at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, TX.  With a round of base closures, that era has now come to an end.

Reese AFB had excellent airspace, challenging crosswinds, and a supportive local community.  Reese had a reputation of excellence in all inspections and in the quality of the pilots graduated.

This site will try to eventually cover many aspects of Reese AFB history.  It will start with patches but will grow to class listings and actual base history.

Inputs are needed of class listings and scans of patches.  If you scan a patch, scan the patch at the largest/highest resolution possible and send me the large file.  I will take care of shrinking the file on this end.

An email reflector (listserve) concerning Reese Air Force Base is available on the links page.

The next time you are pawing through old boxes and come across old Reese patches, pictures, and memories, think of this site and how those items could contribute.  Send along Graduation programs, too!

map image for navigation

Reese Air Force Base
Reese AFB

You will detect the emphasis on flying operations units and personnel.  That is because that is the portion of the base of which I am most familiar.  I must recognize that thousands of personnel passed through Reese in all of the functions that must be present for Pilot Training to occur:  Maintenance, Crash Fire Rescue, CE, Hospital, Personnel, Finance, and many others.  As I learn more about the people and histories of the support units, that information will be included in the site.

Last edited:  29 June 2021 OMG!

Worked on rosters for 54-N, 52-H, and 59-B. Working on a complete site redesign. Trying to make it compatible with phone browsers. When I have a shell ready, I'll put links on this page near the top. Hoping for good things! 

Last edited:  05 Jun 2011 Holy Cow!

Have received many good inputs over the years. Just unable to touch the site--Until today! Many thanks to Neil Stringer. Added roster for 69-05. I'll try to get some more in the next few days. 69-05 is probably going to have a reunion soon--details to follow! 

Last edited:  10 Dec 2008 Holy Cow!

More work on the site. Many thanks to Russ Hazleton. Added rosters for 53-C, 54-F, 55-L, and 56-V.  

Last edited:  20 Nov 2008 Holy Cow!

More work on the site. Many thanks to Ralph Brown, William Crowden, and Ken Seitz.   I added class rosters to 64-H, 74-07, 94-09 and 74-03.

Last edited:  05 June 2008 Holy Cow!

More work on the site. Many thanks to Roger Graulty, Randy Sohn, Howard Morland, Bob Shondel and Martin Boxill.   I added class rosters to 55-N, 67-F, 72-08, 74-01, 74-05, 75-04, 77-08, 78-04, 80-01, and 85-08. I need to redo the existing roster pages so that they have the same format as the new style I'm trying. That will make the scrolling back and forth between pages easier. I'm glad to make this progress--I've been meaning to. Please enjoy the new essay written by Howard Morland 67-F Memories of Reese T-38's--some fine memories and well told.

Last edited:  31 August 2007 Holy Cow!

Rick Harter gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get to work on the site again. Thanks Rick! Over the intervening years, I've received many great emails from many of you that have resided patiently in my Reese folder. You should see new classpages and changes trickling out in the coming days and weeks.

That said, if you are retired, maybe you have more free time than I have. Some of you will remember what it's like to fly 95 hours per month for an airline AND participate in the Air Force Reserves. At this point in a career, Reserve work usually has plenty of responsibilities. So maintaining this site fell down (wayyy down) the list of life's priorities.

New patch images added of 76-06, 82-01, and 83-07 as well as class pages added for 76-06, 81-05, and 83-07. Many more to come.

Thanks to contributors:
Viggo Stenbekk, Doug Hanson, Mike Hepler, Rick Harter, J.D. Williams, Richard Belle,
Luis Baldoni, Larry LaFreniere, Bob Bradshaw, and others.

Please send along your class listings--either from memory or from paperwork.  If your class doesn't have its own listing page yet (under Instructors and Students), let me know and let's get one started.


The information presented to the viewer by this web page should not be construed as an official communication of the United States Air Force, but is instead a unofficial communication of Alumni and Friends of Reese AFB.   All content in this page and site is the work and responsibility of the designer, who can be reached via electronic mail.


Reese Air Force Base -- an Undergraduate Pilot Training Base (UPT)