Eclipse - O - Mania!
Mixing Ham Radio Microwaves With the 2017 Solar Eclipse |
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In 2017, the August weekend of the ARRL 10 GHz & Up Contest (August 19-20) is followed by a total eclipse of the Sun on Monday, August 21 that will be visible from the continental United States. This is the first total eclipse of the Sun visible from the contiguous U.S. since 1979. While that eclipse only covered 5 states in the Pacific Northwest, the 2017 eclipse will cross a dozen states, stretching across the country from the Pacific to Atlantic oceans. To find an eclipse covering a comparable amount of territory in the U.S., one must go back all the way to 1918! Considering the perfect pairing of these 2 events, a number of 10 GHz+ aficionados of the Northern Lights Radio Society (NLRS) in Minnesota are planning to "hit the road" for the August weekend of the 2017 10 GHz and Up contest and rove in Nebraska so that they will be well-positioned for a short drive on Monday, August 21 to be in the path of the total solar eclipse. We're calling this 3-day contest roving and eclipse viewing event Eclipse-O-Mania! Using the information presented on this website, we'd like to encourage our microwave brethren and sisteren to come join us for some roving fun in the central U.S. during the contest, and then, the following day (Monday), head out to a spot along the "path of totality" and experience a very rare total solar eclipse! Click on the tabs above to learn more!