Remember, all your contacts from July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 count for this award.  It's not too tough to go back into your logs and see what you've worked.

-- Tidbits --

If you have Solid State amplifiers (such as TE Systems, Mirage, RFConcepts, etc) that need repair, consider Carl, KM1H.  He advertises that he repairs all SS amps plus upgrade bias supplies for proper Class AB1 SSB if needed.  Carl  KM1H Jeremy Communications. Amplifier Repairs and updates DC to Microwave. Tube and Solid State. 6M Conversions. 45 years experience

Jon Lieberg, KØFQA, has made a program available that assists in Loop Yagi construction and scaling.  You can find it at: .  It generates dimensions for different frequencies.  It takes into account boom diameter, element thickness and width along with frequency.  It requires a BASIC interpreter which he has also has available for download at the same location.

Central States member Tom Haddon, K5VH, imports amplifiers to the US that should be of interest to VHF'ers and above. Microwave Power amplifiers For Sale, Kits & Assembled, most from DL2AM of
DUBUS fame, 1296 through 10.3 GHz bands.  Contact Tom Haddon K5VH,, ph 521-894-4374.  Tom does not maintain a website because the DL2AM site is complete enough.  Tom takes care of the currency conversions and importation.  There are neat amps like 40W and 80W for 1296 and 10W amps for 10GHz.

ALFA Radio  of Canada--a prize sponsor at last year's conference--imports a 12v-24v DC powered rotor that is perfect for mid-size arrays and smaller.  Rovers can avoid inverters by using this DC powered rotor called the ALFASpid. See their website at:   There are spec sheets that show-off it's features at

VHF FM Sprint Contest Feb 9th

Don't forget the FM Sprint sponsored by The Milwaukee Radio Amateurs' Club on February 9, 2003, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM local time. It is hoped that this will give the newer hams a taste of contesting, simplex operation and encourage them to think beyond the rubber duck.

Each of the four bands above 50 MHz are scheduled for 30 minute segments starting with 2 meters, then 70 centimeters, 6 meters and 1.25 meters. We felt that this order and format would concentrate activity and would let those with out equipment for the less popular FM bands get in and get out!

The ARRL's definition of low power in the four bands is the limit and there are awards for first overall, and for high score in each individual band. There is also a class for non-amplified HT's to encourage creativity with the antenna farm beyond the rubber duck. (I bet someone with an HT and a Arrow satellite antenna would have a blast in the right location.) Remember, since it is run on local time, folks from all time zones can compete on an equal basis.

All the rules, including frequencies, are available from me as a PDF, Word, or text file at or The MRAC website .

Just because this is sponsored by a Milwaukee club, stations from across the nation are encouraged to participate and submit their logs.  Take a look at their website!

2002 Proceedings Still Available

2002 Proceedings are available for $20.00, which includes shipping.  A check or MO made out to Central States VHF Society and mailed to Bruce Richardson, W9FZ, 2330 Lexington Ave S. #312 Mendota Hts, MN  55120 will get a copy whisked to you in a padded envelope.  The ARRL is selling these as well, but their cover price is $20 and shipping is on top of that.

Take CSVHFS Shirts--Please!

Twenty-two shirts remain:  four Medium, and eighteen Large.  Price is $15.00 plus $3.50 shipping for the M and L. Help get these assets off the books!  See address for W9FZ above.

Look at to look at what transpired at the 2002 Conference in Milwaukee.

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