Central States VHF Society

Quarter ending Dec 31, 2002

I would like to impress again our efforts to make this conference a family affair.  We plan on going the extra mile to ensure that family members have plenty of fun things to do while we talk shop.  Look for additional information on the family program in the conference mailings coming out soon.

Also be sure to check the society web page at http://www.csvhfs.org for up-to-date news as plans for the conference develop.  If you have any input or questions feel free to contact me.

Charlie Calhoun, Jr., K5TTT
2003 CSVHFS President

Mark July 24-27, 2003 in your calendars now!  You will receive mailings in February and May if you have been a member in the past three years.  If you have never been a member or if it's been over three years since you were a member, email k5ttt@tulsa.com to make sure you get sent the mailings.  In the meantime, make your plans to attend.

2003 Conference:  Tulsa Time!
By K5TTT, Charlie Calhoun 2003 Conference President

This year the 37th annual Central States VHF Society conference will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 24, through July 27 2003.  The conference has been held in the Tulsa area several times in the past.  We look forward to having you back to the Tulsa area for another great conference.

The conference will be held at the Renaissance Tulsa Hotel and Convention Center.  The Renaissance is brand new just having been opened in early 2003.  It is conveniently located on Tulsa East side, about a 10 minute drive from Tulsa International airport.  Shuttle service will be provided by the hotel. If you are driving in it is easily accessible from any direction.  This area is one of the areas in which Tulsa has experience fantastic growth.  The hotel sits right in one of Tulsa's major shopping and entertainment areas.
There is a widely diversified selection of eating establishments available close to the hotel, as well.

The hotel will provide us an excellent area for antenna gain measurements Friday morning.  Noise figure measurements and flea market will follow Friday evening in the convention center.  Vendors are invited to display their merchandise for the length of the conference Friday and Saturday.

Tommy Henderson, WD5AGO, is in charge of the technical program and Joe Lynch, N6CL, is compiling papers for the proceedings.  If you are interested in presenting a program, please contact Tommy directly at THenders@tulsacc.edu, or 918-355-5839.  Please consider preparing a submission for the proceedings, which will again be published by the ARRL. The deadline for submissions of finished papers is May 1, 2003.

We are very excited about the family programs.  We hope that you will bring your family and make a vacation of it!  There are many opportunities for those of all ages in the area.  We are working on the family program at this time and hope to include trips to places like the brand new Tulsa Aquarium, which will open in February.  Tulsa has two very prestigious museums, the Tulsa Philbrook Museum of Art and the Gilcrease Art Museum.  To cool off Tulsa has Bell's amusement park and Big Splash water park.  Tulsa is also well known for it's art deco architectural buildings and Oral Roberts University.

Central States VHF Society members are requested to submit nominations for the Chambers and Wilson Awards.  Nominations for both nay be sent to Kent Britain, WA5VJB.  The Chambers award honors those who have made outstanding technical contributions to the VHF/UHF/Microwave art.  The Wilson Award is for non-technical contributions to the amateur world above 50MHz, including service to the society.

Call for Papers and Presentations: 2003

Our conferences and proceedings would be shallow and thin if not for the generous contributions of presentations and papers that come from you--the membership.  Now is the time to start pondering what content you can share with the rest of us.  Projects, modes, operating events and even theory are all fair game.  Even product reviews! What is simple for you might be very helpful to newer VHF'ers in the coming years.  Remember, proceedings are references for years to come.  Note, as mentioned to the left, that now is the time to contact Tommy Henderson WD5AGO with your intentions.  He will help guide you in appropriate formats for papers and capabilities for presentations.  Please contribute content! 

States Above 50 MHz
Award Program

Participate!  The 2002 Program is in progress.  Please continue to take the program as a challenge to your day-to-day operating and encourage your friends to participate.  Even if you are a single-band specialist--log your states each year and send them in.  It's a great way to look at year-to-year variation in propagation, activity level, and station condition. 

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