A Short History of Reese Air Force Base, Texas Photos
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Currently, Reese AFB uses the T-37 (left), T-IA (center), and T-38 (right) to train student pilots. The T -lA is the Air Force's newest trainer, and the 64th Flying Training Wing had the honor of being the first wing to provide flying training in the T -lA.
Link trainers, like the ones above, helped students prepare for actual flight. Air Training Command replaced these with instrument flight simulators in 1977. Reese was the first base within the command to receive the advanced training devices.
Even without present-day power tools, construction of the base only took five months. Lubbock Field, Texas, officially opened 22 January 1942.
Cotton fields and grassland gave way to barracks when construction began on 22 August 1941.
The flying school used the AT-6 Texan during World War II as a single-engine advanced pilot trainer. Following the reopening of the base in 1949, the school used the AT-6 to augment multi-engine pilot training. The last AT -6 training mission took place at Lubbock on 19 May 1953.
On 15 February 1992, Reese held a formal ceremony to mark the T-1A's arrival at the base the previous month. Students selected for airlift/tanker training fly this aircraft during the third phase of specialized undergraduate pilot training. Reese also was the first base in the command to conduct SUPT .
This is what Reese Boulevard looked like in the early 1940s. The photographer was looking down the boulevard toward the main headquarters of Lubbock Army Air Field.