CSVHFS Website

Since last conference, our former Webmaster, Jon Lieberg, K0FQA has handed over duties to our new "webguy" Paul Goble, ND2X/5.  We thank Jon for his years of fine work and thank Paul for stepping forward to keep the CSVHFS website a viable communication tool with the membership.

If you have not been to www.csvhfs.org lately, go take a look.  The site has been freshened up and has updated info on Ant Rng results, NF results, States Above results, Chambers Award recipients, and Wilson Award recipients.  Most significantly, the LINKS page is greatly expanded--a handy place to start your VHF/UHF/SHF info searches.

More website improvements are coming.  If you have suggestions on roles or features that would be helpful for our VHF/UHF/SHF community, send them along to ND2X/5.  CSVHFS needs a volunteer to assist Paul by just managing the Links page.  Keep it the links current and interesting--with this specific task, you won't be overwhelmed.  Help Paul out--step forward!

-- Tidbits --

WA5YOU Report

Had a nice chat on the phone with Charlie Chennault, WA5YOU the other day.  He reports every day is better than the last.  He works hard at regaining strengths and abilities he had prior to a stroke a number of years ago.  He lives in rural West, Mississippi now and expects to be back on 6 and 2 meters within a year.  He has a rustic hunting cabin available for visitors if hams want to come activate EM-53 as a rover or as portable.  He reports he has generally high terrain and good views in many directions.  Wanda is getting busier with her catering business.  Although we list an email address for Charlie on the webpage, he's not actually email accessible currently.  Give him a call if you haven't touched base with him lately.

Charlie and Wanda are long time members of CSVHFS and Charlie served the society for many years as Treasurer.  This past summer, an anonymous donor presented the CSVHFS Board with an honorary Life Membership for Charlie and Wanda.  The Board heartily concurred and was thrilled to present this honor to Charlie and Wanda. 

KØSM "Rainscatter" Software

Andy Flowers, KØSM/2, recently created a software utility to assist with rainscatter QSO's on 5 and 10 GHz.  It uses real-time radar plots.  You highlight the storm you want to use and it helps you with dish headings for both parties.  Take a look at:

Portable DC Power Regulation

W4RRY has developed a battery booster that will give you a good solid 13.8 for your portable operations.  If sagging voltage has you LO drifting and your SMA relays not firing well, you may want to use this booster.  Sure, it's $105 delivered but according to a local testimonial, it works VERY well. The website outlines the theory.  The circuit only adds enough extra voltage to bring it up to 13.8 (up to 23 Amps).  Take a look for yourself at:

Tulsa & Milw - What You Missed

A small website of pictures is at:

While you're at the Toronto Conference, please take lots of digital pictures and route them to W9FZ for an after-action website about Toronto.


We have .jpg, .gif, .tif, and even .ps images of the CSVHFS logo at http://www.csvhfs.org/filearea/logos/ .  These are available for you to use on your QSL cards and on your websites.  You don't have to hotlink to the CSVHFS site, but please give CSVHFS visibility on your QSL cards and websites.  If you construct other CSVHFS logos that you'd like to share with the membership, send them along to Paul, ND2X/5 the "web guy".

Get Involved in CSVHFS

As a minimum, consider putting together a paper for a future Proceedings issue.  Develop that further into a presentation at a Conference.  Consider serving the society on the Board of Directors or on one of the following committees: FCC, WorldWideWebsite, States Above 50 MHz Program, Database, Proceedings on CD-Rom, and Publicity/Recruitment.  Yet another alternative is to marshal the efforts of VHF'ers in your area and host a future conference in your town.  Many hands make small work.  Make sure to lend your hand and keep the society energetic and viable going forward.  Want to take the next step?  Go to http://www.csvhfs.org/CSVHFOFF.HTML and email or contact any of your board members or officers and they will be glad to try and utilize your help.

Submit Stuff!

Send along material!
Bruce Richardson, W9FZ        w9fz at csvhfs.org

2330 Lexington Ave S. #312
Mendota Hts, MN  55120
