- F-1
- DBR C BLU RED raccoon tail is BLK & LBR; "ETASSA" of lodge name on BLU water
- F-2a
- BRN C BLU RED log bdr; LBR mountains; only "SSA" of lodge nameon BLU water;
- F-2b
- BRN C BLU RED log bdr; BRN mountains;
- S-1a
- DBL R WHT RED LB; rounded bottom corners; DYL T-bird; thick 2mm shaft & thick RED TRI; FF
- S-1b
- DBL R WHT RED thin 1mm shaft & small RED TRI; FF
- S-2a
- DBL R WHT RED YEL T-bird; square corners; tags from U of US and L of Council to arrow
- S-2b
- DBL R WHT RED no tags from U and L to arrow
- J-1
- BLU C YEL RED SMY 25; RED 1942 1967; ANN
- N-1a
- RED P WHT BLK SSC BRN and RBR raccoon design
- N-1b
- RED P WHT BLK SSC; raccoon design w/ 2 shades of BRN
- R-0.5
- WHT BLU WHT SSC on felt; Red WWW arrow
- R-1
- WHT BLK WHT SSC on felt; Red WWW arrow
- R-2a
- BLK C DBL BLK EMB on felt; YEL T-bird
- R-2b
- BLK C BLG BLK EMB on felt; YEL T-bird
- R-3a
- DYL C DBL RED TLR; 3mm wide RED in chest
- R-3b
- YEL C DBL RED TRR; WAB; no YEL shows between BLK & RED wavy lines in shoulders
- R-3c
- LYL C DBL RED TRR; LYL shows between BLK & RED wavy lines
- R-3d
- DYL C DBL RED TLR; 5mm wide RED in chest
- R-4a
- YEL R DBL RED 102mm round; YEL T-bird; RED triangle has
RED tags to sides of T-bird
- R-4b
- YEL R DBL RED no tags from RED triangle to sides
- R-4c
- YEL R DBL RED RED tags from TRI to BLK bar below
- R-5
- BRN C LBL RED log bdr; 115mm round with arrow
- Ouray N-1
- SSC; Ouray Dancers
- Ouray N-2
- SSC; RND design
- Ridge N-1
- SSC; TRI design
- Ridge N-2
- SSC; RND design; No lodge name
- Ridge N-3
- SSC; RND design; w/ lodge name
- Wadchu N-1
- SSC; RED arrow; BLK WWW
- Wadchu N-2
- SSC; GRN "WWW"; RED "OA" & "arrow"