W9FZ/R UHF 2009

I operated from four spots near Dodgeville, WI on Saturday and four spots northwest of Wausau, WI on Sunday. Activity levels were HIGH!

More operators in more locations are needed! Get on UHF and get on for the UHF Contest!
This is with 6 watts and a looper. More stations are needed on 2304. Yes, I have more power planned with a PyroJoe amp--but it will have to wait for this winter.
This is with 2 watts and an 18" DSS dish. This was flat land. Just a horizon is needed.
None of these rover-to-rover QSO's were orchestrated. None of these Rover-to-rover Q's were at trivial distances. I did not drag along another "pup" rover to give me my own grid. I don't think too much of grid-circling. But look what can be accomplished with new and experienced rovers out looking for fun on their own.
In EN-54 beaming K2YAZ. Arrived at 5am and started making Q's just a few minutes later.
In EN-53 beaming Milwaukee. Worked WA9O/R on 432, 903, 1296, and 10GHz from here.
Still in EN-53. That's Blue Mound State Park in the background. No real good operating spots in the park. But in the surrounding area there are some adequate spots.

w9fz (at) w9fz.com