scan amateur television.  Most of the activity was on 439.25 MHz with TV talkback on 144.34 MHz.  What made this opening so spectacular for me was that from the St. Louis area I was finally able to work the Kansas City area when I put Mike, KDØFW in the logbook.  Interestingly enough, just 90 miles to my east, the ops in Mt. Vernon, IL can regularly work KC but St. Louis rarely gets a westward opening.  Soon after putting Mike in the logbook, Chicago came through and KB9PWQ was now in my log.  What a great night indeed!

However, the very next evening proved to be even better on 432 MHz sideband!  The same dome of high pressure allowed me to get new grids all the way from WI to IL.  Two nights in a row - it doesn't get much better then that.  Or does it?

Along came the night of November 18 and the Leonid meteor shower.  Suddenly 144.200 came alive with activity!  This was my first time ever to work a meteor shower and I was glued to my rig for the entire evening.  Fortunately it was a weekend so I was able to grab some shut-eye after the event. Stations from the entire east coast filled the airwaves!

Somewhere amongst all this VHF/UHF activity there were not one but two auroral openings and in my excitement I actually forgot to log some of the QSOs!

Perhaps with a little luck 2002 will be just as fun.  I'm looking forward to Milwaukee!

73 es gud DXing!   Ron, KOØZ

Remember, all your contacts from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 count for this award.  It's not too tough to go back into your logs and see what you've worked.

I have heard from each of last year's two top finishers and both are continuing to use the program as a motivator for their VHF activity.  Each reports astounding numbers--and we still have 4.5 months to go!  I know the Northern Lights Radio Society is again using the program for increased local activity. Have your local group use the program as well.

See the website at for details on this program and its historical records.  This program helps encourage or motivate activity on our VHF+ bands by causing you to collect "states" each year.   The program runs July 1 to June 30 of each year.

For the current 2001-2002 program in progress, Canadian provinces do NOT count.  Due to inputs received, the program is being modified in the future to allow Canadian Provinces in the 2002-2003 program year.  The published rules will be modified by that time to give clear direction. 

-- Tidbits --

++ George Fremin III, K5TR brought to my attention an interesting site about the HC8N operation from the Galapagos about a year ago.  Pictures, details and even sound files!  Point your browser to:  http://  George also shares a logpage of a great day on 6m.  That's something many of you had during the past year.  You can look at his log (and maybe drool) at: .

++ Robert, WØOLD, has put up a web page all about "my efforts in converting big TVRO dishes to
ham radio use.  Somewhere along the way it grew and grew and now covers all kinds of hints for amateurs using dish antennas."  It's viewable at:

++ Al Katz, K2UYH, publishes a newsletter all about EME.  He's been publishing his newsletter for 30 years!!!  You can get on a distribution by contacting him, but you can view past issues by visiting:

++ Bob, VE3BFM, reports: "I have not been on the air as much as I have wanted, but did get a chance
to try out my new Yaesu FT817 radio on 12/27/01.  My first contacts with it were on 6m to GI6ATZ where I received a 53, and then shortly after with GI0OTC where I received a 55.  I did not tell either station how much power I was running til after I received my signal report.  Needless to say, both were quite impressed
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CSVHFS Life Membership

Life Memberships are available for $125.00.  Contact for mailing address and details.  You get a nametag, a certificate, and the joy of contributing to the society's longevity, and the freedom from submitting $5 each year.

Life Members: this coming May, when you get your registration documents, there will be a place to "check" if you are a Life Member and thereby skip the $5 annual membership fee.  Also, concerning nametags, if your Callsign changes, you need a replacement, or you would like a nametag that doesn't have a (charter life member) "number" on it, a new one can be obtained.  Just contact W9FZ and work out the details with him.  Cost will be about $15 delivered.

States Above 50 MHz Award Program 2002 In Progress

The 2002 Program is in progress.  Please continue to take the program as a challenge to your day-to-day operating and encourage your friends to participate.