Central States VHF Society

.Attendance was far better than expected at 208 for the conference and 228 for the banquet.  Thanks for coming to Milwaukee!

Quarter ending Sept 30, 2002

Milwaukee Conference:  Success!

The 2002 Conference was a great time in Milwaukee back on 25-27 July.  Host Club--the Badger Contesters--worked hard leading up to the event and it paid off.  There were rave comments on the content and breadth of the presentations.  The Prize table was overflowing.  The Party Suites were fun for socializing for those who took part.  Once again, the antenna range and noise figure table were successful helps for those who brought antennas or pre-amps for testing.  The Banquet contained a humorous and motivating talk by ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5BJP in addition to good food.

2002 Chambers Award winner is Mike Staal, K6MYC, for his many years of superior antenna design, development, and production benefiting VHF and above operators.  2002 Wilson Award winner is Bruce Richardson, W9FZ, for energy and effort to the society as Treasurer, Board Member, Conference Host, and Newsletter Editor.

Bill Tynan, W3XO, picks CPI-Eimac tube as first choice at Prize Table

The Milwaukee Conference team appreciates Kent Britain, WA5VJB and Marc Thorson, WBØTEM operating the antenna range again this year.  Similarly, the fine noise figure table would not have occurred if not for the efforts of Al Ward, W5LUA, and assistants Barry Malowanchuk, VE4MA, Tom whitted, WA8WZG, Tony Emanuele, WA8RJF, Ron Bergantzel, KAØRYT, Charlie Calhoun, K5TTT, and Joel Harrison, W5ZN

More conf pics shortly at: http://w9fz.com/milw2002/csvhf02.html

2003 Conference:  Tulsa Time!

The 2003 Central States VHF Society conference will be held July 25-26 in Tulsa, OK.  Conference President is Charlie Calhoun, K5TTT with Tommy Henderson, WD5AGO as Vice President.  They are forming a team to accomplish the many tasks of hosting a conference.

Charlie is finalizing hotel arrangements and comments that the hotel will be VERY NICE and brand new.  He suspects that room rates will be at 2002 rates or less.  Charlie stresses that the location is loaded with shopping and dining in the area.

There will be a Hospitality Suite for after-hours socializing.  Charlie and his team are working on a

Larry C. Hazelwood, W5NZS, presents Mike Staal, K6MYC the 2002 Chambers Award.

Conference President Ken Boston, W9GA, is thankful and proud of the efforts put forth by Badger Contesters to make this a success.  Specifically, Stefanie Boston, Gary Bargholz, N9UUR, Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV, Doug Bergeron, KO2R, Lesa Bergeron, KB9KCJ, Jerry Seefeld, WA9O, Jeff Berman, K9YR, Randy Clark, K9VHF, Ray Grenier, K9KHW, John Feltz, W9JN, John McDonald, KB9TLV, Marc Holdwick, N8KWX, and Bruce Richardson, W9FZ.

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