Central States VHF Society

Calling for Prizes and Donations

The banquet door-prize table is a notable facet of every conference.  Our own members have been very generous over the years.  The conference team is working actively to get good donations from dealers and manufacturers from across the nation.  If something you have access to might have value as a "door-prize" please bring it along to the conference or consider sending it ahead to our Prize Chairman kboston@lsr.com.

We are going to continue with something that last year's conference tried--a mid-day Saturday mini-auction.  It'll be entertaining and should yield a little money to help offset the conference.  If you have something that doesn't sell at the Friday night Flea-market consider donating it to the Saturday auction.  Also, please bring along any items you can spare for the auction.  Again, please contact our Prize Chairman at

Quarter ending June 30, 2002

Milwaukee Conference--Less than a Month Away!

Ken Boston, W9GA, the Badger Contesters, and the conference staff invite you to the annual conference in Milwaukee this coming July 26th and 27th.  They've put together an entertaining conference for you.  The only thing needed is you!

The Proceedings is on its way to the printer.  You will get yours at the conference.  For those who purchased proceedings but could not attend, the proceedings will be mailed in the two weeks after the conference.

Presenters are lined up for a variety of presentations.  The family program is finalized.  The full details of the family program is in the registration mailing and on our conference web page
(http://w9fz.com/milw2002/csvhf02.html).  Also, in addition to the Antenna Range, Noise Figure Table, and Presentations, we'll also have two or more Dealers on site as well as two Party Suites.  Come ready to socialize!

If you did not receive the registration mailing contact w9fz@csvhfs.org in order to make sure you receive one.  Alternatively, you can download Word .doc or .pdf versions of the registration documents on the conference web-page (down near the bottom of the front page).

No Pets at Conference Hotel L

Bad news for our conference attendees who travel with pets.  Our conference hotel does not allow pets--not even small dogs.  While I don't agree with their policy, your conference staff did not consider this issue when contracting for hotels.  We will pass this information to next year's staff and hopefully they can avoid this limitation.  If this limitation effects you, please contact w9fz@csvhfs.org pronto and I will give you a list of the nearest hotels that DO allow pets.  You can then make your decision whether to come to the conference with the most information.

Calling All Rovers

One new aspect of this coming conference will occur on Friday morning while the Antenna range is in operation.  The Rover Row or Dog Pound will be a special area of the parking lot for just Rovers.  We'd like any Rover who is willing to load up their equipment to bring their set-up to show it off during this event.  We've all seen basic presentations on how to rove.  Now you have an opportunity to show off your "shack".  Viewers will not have to look at pictures while seeing how you conquered layout, power, and antenna issues.  You don't have to stay by your vehicle all morning.  We'll have poster-board so that you can point out the highlights of your shack.  Or bring a display with some memorable pictures from memorable locations. 

Titanium Antennas?!

While at Dayton, I stopped by a booth that was pushing Titanium Antennas.  Or at least they were probing the marketplace to determine feasibility.  The major titanium tubing company in the world is in Pennsylvania.  They were brainstorming for another product that would use titanium tubing and yet provide a "better" product by being lighter and stronger. 

They have a ham in their marketing division and he is trying to get the ball rolling on a line of antennas.  They had little 1" samples of titanium tubing for people to take.  They had an HF beam hanging above their
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