Bill Burgess, VE3CRU - Getting Started in VHF/UHF
Art Shulman, VE3ZV - White Box Modifications for 10GHz
Al Katz, K2UYH - EME - Digital Communications
Emil Pocock, W3EP - Backscatter over the Atlantic
Dave Olean, K1WHS - K1WHS Contest Station Upgrades
Paul Shuch, N6TX - Electromagnetic Spectrum Basics

Mark Hoffman, K2AXX - VHF Contesting from Different Parts of the Country

Barry Malowanchuk, VE4MA - Broadband Over Powerline and Interference

We have several other articles that will be in the Proceedings making that a valuable item on your bookshelf.

If you have a paper that is
ready to go, contact me promptly at ve3bfm at csvhfs dot org for inclusion in this year's Proceedings.  The deadline for this year's Proceedings is a matter of days away.  If we miss this deadline, please consider contributing your article and/or presentation to the 2005 CSVHFS Conference.

Presenters for this year's conference need to work with me on their audio/visual needs and handout needs.  Again, contact me and lets put all the details to rest well before the conference.

Bob Morton, Technical Chairman and V.P.

There was a problem with the reservation procedure at the Delta that came up when one of our members tried to reserve his room.  That problem should be fixed now and the 1-800 # on the CSVHFS web site should work fine now.  As in past years, reservations are to be made by the members directly with the hotel, quoting the CSVHFS rate in the process. If they refer you back to me, let me know and we'll "fix" it again!

Peter Shilton, VE3AX

Chambers & Wilson
Award Nominations

Each year the society recognizes two people with significant awards.  The Chambers award honors one who has elevated the art of VHF and above operations through technical or operational contributions.  The Wilson award honors one for outstanding and continuing service to the Society or to VHF/UHF in general. The Society will present these awards at the banquet during the conference in Toronto.  The recipient need not be in attendance.  If you wish to nominate a worthy person, contact Kent Britain, WA5VJB with your nomination input.  Kent coordinates the award winner selection.  Contact Kent at "wa5vjb at csvhfs dot org ". 

2004 Conference Lodging

Our conference site is The Delta Meadowvale in Mississauga, Ontario.  This premier conference center is located just south of Ontario's main east-west highway, the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway (Hwy 401). Those traveling in from Detroit, Buffalo, or eastern Lake Ontario will easily spot the hotel at Mississauga's Erin Mills Parkway/Mississauga Rd. exit.  A shuttle service is available for about $13 Cdn from the Pearson airport, only 15 minutes away. Travel time from Detroit is about 3 hours, and from Buffalo is about 90 minutes.

The mailing will have a basic map, but you can also visit the hotel website at to view a small map.

We have reserved a block of rooms at Cdn $115/night (currently about $85 US),
a rate which can be applied three days before and after the conference dates of July 22-23-24, 2004 should you wish to extend your visit to the area. Please support the CSVHFS by booking your room under this banner - just quote the CSVHFS when booking your reservation.

You can reach the Delta Meadowvale directly at 1-800-422-8238 Monday -Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Calls outside that time frame will go to Delta's national reservation centre but they also have the details and should be able to book you just as easily.

States Above 50 MHz
Award Program

Program is in progress.  Your contacts through June 30th, 2004 will count for this program year.  It's never too late to get involved.  You can look through your log since July 1st, 2003 and determine what states you worked on which bands.  See the CSVHFS website and follow the links for rules and forms. Go to .

CSVHFS Submits
FCC Comments

Owen Wormser, K3CB, our CSVHFS FCC Committee Chairman, carefully crafted a response to the FCC concerning BPL.  It was submitted during the comment period and maintained a logical and reasonable tone.  You can view the comments at: .  You might want to even echo some of the comments in the document in your own responses.  Some individual hams have submitted shrill responses to the FCC with little supporting reasoning or data.  The CSVHFS response cuts to the heart of the matter.
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