Central States VHF Society

You can use overhead transparencies, Powerpoint, or whatever. Papers are welcome in either paper or electronic format, but will be required by mid-May to be included in the Proceedings.  Please contact Marc as soon as possible with an abstract or even a general idea.  Contact Marc for your actual deadline.

Quarter ending March 31, 2002

Continuing Towards Milwaukee!

Ken Boston, W9GA, the Badger Contesters, and the conference staff invite you to the annual conference in Milwaukee this coming July 26th and 27th.  They are working hard on putting together an entertaining conference for you. 

The conference team continues to hold meetings hammering out the details for this summer.  The first mailing went out in early March. 
The second mailing--which is the actual registration packet--goes out in early May.  There were some who wrote wondering where the registration materials were.  All will be revealed in May.  The registration packet is a good way to send in your $5 for continuing membership even if you are not going to attend the conference because it gives you an opportunity to also purchase a Proceedings.

Presenters are being lined up for a variety of presentations.  The family program is being finalized.  The full details of the family program will be in the registration mailing and will be added to our conference web page (http://w9fz.com/milw2002/csvhf02.html) .

If you did NOT receive the first mailing and have not previously contacted W9FZ in order to receive the second mailing, contact w9fz@csvhfs.org in order to make sure you receive the 2nd mailing (registration packet). If you got the first one, you'll get the second.

Calling All Rovers

One new aspect of this coming conference will occur on Friday morning while the Antenna range is in operation.  The Rover Row or Dog Pound will be a special area of the parking lot for just Rovers.  We'd like any Rover who is willing to load up their equipment to bring their set-up to show it off during this event.  We've all seen basic presentations on how to rove.  Now you have an opportunity to show off your "shack".  Viewers will not have to look at pictures while seeing how you conquered layout, power, and antenna issues.  You don't have to stay by your vehicle all morning.  We'll have poster-board so that you can point out the highlights of your shack.  Or bring a display with some memorable pictures from memorable locations. 

Try and Avoid This!
By Tom Miller AC5TM

Jefferson Amateur Radio Club (W5GAD EL49) nears completion of 1 year of negotiations and construction replacing the club's tower with a larger commercial tower.  This tower will include antennas to support Voice Stream Operations in the New Orleans area. The negotiations were conducted by Mark Unland (WB9VTN) and Ira Weber (N5OGW) (more time than they cared to do) with help from attorney Tommy Millner.  Now after a period of one year the tower is up VS is operational and most of the antennas are functional however the 6 meter beam is pointed the wrong way and has bent elements.  I (AC5TM) serve as Tech Advisor for JARC on the project.  The only other item on the punch are some noise issues.  The beam was facing the correct way but did not work. ATC brought the antenna back down where a crushed jumper was replaced.  I stopped by the clubhouse for a meeting only to find the beam was back up but now facing the wrong direction with different bent elements.  It is painfully clear that this crew has never dealt with beams.  A second problem did occur which was when we rotated the antennas one of the cables feeding the repeater antenna was ripped out of its connector.  The jumpers have been all replaced but
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Call for Papers and Presentations

We have some interesting presentations already committed.  However, we could still use more.  If you have a project or topic about which you think the rest of our membership would be interested, consider creating a presentation or paper or both pronto!  Make it difficult for our Program Chair to schedule all of the fine presentations.

If you are interested in writing and/or presenting a paper for the 2002 Conference, please send an email to n8kwx@csvhfs.org .  Or write to:

Marc Holdwick
PO Box 6051
Buffalo Grove, IL, 60089